Work 10 hours Per Week. Earn $1000 or More in Dothan, Alabama For Sale
Price: $1,000
Type: Financial,
For Sale
- Private.
New Advertising Firm looking for xxxx workers to start on July 5, xxxx. The work is very easy. You will need to be comfortable sitting at the computer for 2 hours. This position has nothing to do with surveys, processing emails, cycling in a matrix, or MLM. You will get paid real money to do a real job from the comfort of your home.
We will Train
No experience needed
Set your own schedule
Internet Access
Valid Email Address
USB Headset
18 or older
Proof of Residency
Tablet, Ipad, Laptop, PC or smartphone.
** Our Platform is not compatible with MAC devices currently, but IT is working on development!**
Direct Deposit available.